Yumi Credits

What is Yumi credit?

We reward our early adopters with Yumi credits. Yumi Credit is a non-tradable and non-transferable digital certificate generated through transactions in Yumi's primary and secondary markets. Yumi credits can be redeemed for tokens in the future.

How to earn Yumi credits?

Whenever you trade NFTs on Yumi, you earn Yumi Credit as a trading reward. All collections now generate trading rewards. No minimum volume is required - you earn Yumi Credit every time you buy or sell an NFT on Yumi, from any collection.

Fees & Royalties

Yumi Trading fees At Yumi we charged much lower fees than the majority of the NFT marketplaces. 1 % for secondary trading 6% for launchpad

Creator Royalties

Creators can set royalty fees to be paid out every time their NFTs are sold, allowing them to be rewarded for their work. These fees are paid out in real-time. Creators can select between 0 - 10%.

Last updated